Light is life. Every living organism depends on it. Our team of scientists, researchers and engineers have been studying the effects of light on living organisms. This has brought us insights on how to improve animal welfare, production and sustainability to operations across the world.
The World Leader in agricultural lighting
At Once by Signify, we are the world leader in lighting, with global brands including Once, Interact, and Philips. What sets us apart is our passion for scientific research and innovation, enabling us to constantly push the boundaries and deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients.
Perception of light
Animals interpret light differently. Poultry can see a very broad spectrum of light, as they have wider photoreceptors than humans. They see 12 times better in the blue spectrum and 4 times better in the red spectrum and can even see UV-A light. Swine are more sensitive in the blue and green spectrum.
Your animals depend on light
Natural daylight changes constantly and establishes a circadian rhythm. These changes impact the growth and behavior of animals. We are inspired by natural light and its dynamics.
What if you could use light to stimulate the natural behavior of your animals in a positive way?
The Future of Animal Farming
As the thought leader in the industry, we believe dynamic lighting is the future of your animal farming. And the future is here today.
ONCE dynamic lighting systems are highly flexible and controllable. They let you create the exact conditions needed for your specific animals. Every minute. Every day. Every season. For every breed.
The power of dynamic lighting for you
With our dynamic lighting systems, light is your powerful tool. You stimulate ideal hormonal activities and biological patterns for your animals, creating physiological and biological results that improve your animal welfare and achieve high farm production.
Let's connect Talk to an animal lighting expert
How can we help? We love to share ideas and experiences on how to improve production and animal welfare.